Studies and Groups

  • Prayer Vine: We pray together to strengthen our body, mind and spirit and to enable something special to happen in our midst and the wider world. You do not need to come to church or have a specific place to pray.  Set aside your time wherever you are—preferred times: 9:00 am, 3:00 pm, 9:00 pm, but anytime, anywhere at your convenience. The prayer list is regularly distributed by email and in our newsletter.  Further information and prayer requests: Church Office 0466 277 649
  • Thursday Evening Bible Study: We meet in private homes to further study the scriptures. When: Thursday evenings fortnightly during school terms @ 8 pm. Contact: Greg Jacobs 9451 1031
  • Wild Swans – Bible Study: English/Chinese Bible Study & Fellowship every Tuesday @ 09:30 am- 12:30 pm during school terms. Morning Tea fellowship at 11:00 am- 11:15 am.
    We are a group of people from China and Taiwan. We have studied the Bible together since February 2017 to learn more about Christian God. We are all beginners on this journey. We share the Good News of Jesus, our stories and a loving fellowship in a safe place… For more information, contact Freda 0431 876 328 or 0466 277 649
  • Basic English Conversation Classes meet on Tuesdays from 11:15 am to 12:30 pm during school terms. Welcome all who need or want to explore English learning. Contact: Freda 0431 876 328 or 0466 277 649
  • Music Ministry Music Ministry: Wednesdays 7.00 – 7.45 pm. It is a bright occasion for learning good choral music and enjoying Christian fellowship.
      • Concert Party:  It is an ecumenical singing group with 40 years of brilliant history in the Forest area. We visit mainly Senior citizens’ hostels, villages and some nursing homes. Our program selection is varied – classical to modern and a mixture of sacred and secular music. In recess due to Covid 19. Musical Directors: Alan Mann (02) 9451 8252  &  Deirdre Dundas
  • Ladies Fellowship:  All ladies are welcome.  When: 3rd Tuesday monthly (Unless otherwise notified). Contact:  Church office 0466 277 649
  • Wild Geese:  Journeying together as a group – a time to share, discuss, explore and challenge: a time to be creative and support each other. When: 4th Friday of each month @ 7.30 pm meeting in private homes.  Contact: Church Office 0466 277 649

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Service Time

9am Sunday (all ages)

Contact Us
Church Office: 0466 277 649
9 Darley St, Forestville 2087

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